Different types of security systems in a warehouse

According to a report from TT Club, an international freight transport insurer and BSI's supply chain services and solutions team, cargo theft is most commonly reported in warehouse and storage facilities, accounting for 76% of all incidents. The report also highlights Free Trade Zones (FTZ) as particularly vulnerable locations in the UAE.

These facts underline the importance of a solid security system to prevent theft occurrences in warehouses. 

As a warehouse supplier, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of the goods stored in your warehouse by implementing adequate security measures. It means implementing the proper security measures for safety reasons. 

The warehouse should adhere to government safety guidelines when storing dangerous goods to avoid legal issues or penalties. 

You also want to ensure that your employees have a safe environment to work.

As a customer looking for a warehouse, it will help to know about the different security systems available for warehouses and whether the warehouse you choose has them. 

Alarm systems and surveillance cameras can help alert management and authorities to potential incidents in real time, ensuring a quick response to emergencies. 

Warehouse security should always be a top priority. Not only does it protect your goods and employees, but it also contributes to your business's overall efficiency and success. 

The infographic lists some basic security measures that every warehouse should have for the safe and effective storage of goods.

Preetha From Cargoz 13 سبتمبر 2023
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