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ABC Classification

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A method of classifying inventory items relative to their impact on total control. The group is divided into classes called A, B, and C (and sometimes D), with the A group representing the highest value with 10 to 20% of the number of items. The B, C, and D (if used) groups have lower values but typically higher populations. Items with higher usage value (the 20%) are counted more frequently. The specific bars to be used in setting ABC levels will vary by organization, as they will impact the financial control applied to inventory and the level of effort spent counting. See Cycle Counting.

What is ABC Classification?

ABC Classification is a method used in logistics to classify inventory items based on their impact on total control. This classification system divides the inventory into three main classes: A, B, and C, and sometimes a fourth class called D. Each class represents a different value and population within the inventory.

The A class consists of items that have the highest value and typically represent around 10 to 20% of the total number of items in the inventory. These items are considered to have a significant impact on the overall control of the inventory. They are often high-value items or items that are critical for the smooth operation of the business. Due to their importance, items in the A class are counted more frequently to ensure accurate tracking and control.

The B and C classes, on the other hand, have lower values but usually higher populations compared to the A class. The B class represents items that have a moderate impact on control, while the C class includes items with the lowest impact. These classes may consist of lower-value items or items that are not as critical for the business operations.

In some cases, organizations may also use a D class, which represents items with the lowest value and impact on control. These items are often considered as low-priority or obsolete inventory.

The specific criteria used to determine the classification of items into A, B, C, and D classes may vary from one organization to another. The classification is typically based on factors such as the value of the item, its usage frequency, and its criticality to the business. By classifying inventory items into different classes, organizations can prioritize their efforts and resources accordingly.

ABC Classification is closely related to cycle counting, which is a method of regularly counting a subset of inventory items. By focusing on the A class items during cycle counting, organizations can ensure that the most critical and valuable items are accurately tracked and controlled. This helps in maintaining optimal inventory levels, reducing stockouts, and improving overall operational efficiency.

In conclusion, ABC Classification is a valuable tool in logistics that helps organizations classify inventory items based on their impact on total control. By categorizing items into different classes, organizations can allocate their resources effectively, prioritize their efforts, and ensure accurate tracking and control of the most critical items.

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