فهرس المصطلحات

ABC System

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In cost management, a system maintains financial and operating data on an organization's resources, activities, drivers, objects, and measures. ABC models are created and maintained within this system.

What is ABC System?

The ABC System, also known as Activity-Based Costing System, is a valuable tool in cost management for organizations. It helps in maintaining financial and operating data related to an organization's resources, activities, drivers, objects, and measures. By utilizing the ABC System, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of their costs and make informed decisions to improve efficiency and profitability.

Traditional costing methods often allocate costs based on simple metrics such as direct labor hours or machine hours. However, these methods may not accurately reflect the true cost drivers within an organization. This is where the ABC System comes into play. It provides a more accurate and detailed picture of how costs are incurred by identifying the activities that consume resources and drive costs.

The ABC System works by breaking down an organization's activities into various cost pools. These cost pools represent the resources consumed by each activity. For example, in a manufacturing company, activities such as machine setup, material handling, and quality control would be identified as cost pools.

Once the cost pools are established, the ABC System assigns costs to specific cost drivers. Cost drivers are the factors that cause costs to be incurred in each activity. They can be measured in various ways, such as the number of setups, the number of units produced, or the time spent on a particular activity.

By linking costs to specific cost drivers, the ABC System provides a more accurate allocation of costs to products, services, or customers. This enables organizations to identify the true cost of each activity and make informed decisions regarding pricing, product mix, and process improvements.

Furthermore, the ABC System helps organizations identify non-value-added activities or those that do not contribute directly to the production of goods or services. By eliminating or reducing these activities, organizations can streamline their operations and reduce costs.

Implementing an ABC System requires careful analysis and data collection. It involves identifying activities, determining cost drivers, and allocating costs accordingly. While it may initially require an investment of time and resources, the benefits of implementing an ABC System can be significant.

In conclusion, the ABC System is a powerful tool in cost management that provides organizations with a more accurate understanding of their costs. By identifying activities, cost drivers, and allocating costs accordingly, organizations can make informed decisions to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and ultimately enhance their profitability.

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