فهرس المصطلحات


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1) ASCII characters are used to separate data elements within a data stream. 2) EDI has two levels of separators and a terminator that are integral parts of a transferred data stream. Delimiters are specified in the interchange header. From the highest to the lowest level, the separators and terminator are segment terminator, data element separator, and component element separator (used only in EDIFACT).

What is Delimiters?


In the world of logistics, delimiters play a crucial role in separating and organizing data elements within a data stream. These delimiters are ASCII characters that act as markers, indicating the boundaries between different pieces of information.

One common use of delimiters is in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), a standardized format for exchanging business documents electronically. EDI utilizes delimiters to structure and organize the data being transmitted.

In EDI, there are two levels of separators and a terminator that are integral parts of a transferred data stream. These delimiters are specified in the interchange header, which sets the rules for how the data should be interpreted.

The highest level of delimiter is the segment terminator. This delimiter marks the end of a segment, which is a logical grouping of related data elements. It signifies that one set of information has ended and another is about to begin.

The next level of delimiter is the data element separator. This delimiter is used to separate individual data elements within a segment. Data elements are the smallest units of information and represent specific attributes or values.

In addition to the segment terminator and data element separator, EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transport) also includes a component element separator. This delimiter is used exclusively in EDIFACT and is used to separate different components within a data element. Components further break down a data element into more granular parts.

By using these delimiters, EDI systems can accurately interpret and process the data being exchanged. They provide a standardized way of structuring information, ensuring that both the sender and receiver can understand and utilize the data effectively.

Delimiters are essential in logistics and EDI because they enable seamless communication and data exchange between different parties. They ensure that information is properly organized, making it easier to extract and utilize the relevant data.

In conclusion, delimiters are ASCII characters used to separate data elements within a data stream. In the context of EDI, delimiters include the segment terminator, data element separator, and component element separator. These delimiters play a vital role in structuring and organizing data, facilitating efficient communication and data exchange in the logistics industry.

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