فهرس المصطلحات

Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)

Tags: فهرس المصطلحات

A unique number that comprises up to 14 digits and is used to identify an item (product or service) for which there is a need to retrieve predefined information that may be priced, ordered, or invoiced at any point in the supply chain. The definition covers raw materials through end-user products and includes services, all of which have predefined characteristics. GTIN is the globally unique EAN.UCC System identification number or key used for trade items (products and services). It's used for uniquely identifying trade items (products and services) sold, delivered, warehoused, and billed throughout the retail and commercial distribution channels. Unlike a UPC number, which only provides information specific to a group of products, the GTIN gives each product its own specific identifying number, providing greater tracking accuracy. See EPC.

What is Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)?

The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a unique identification number that is used to identify products or services in the supply chain. It consists of up to 14 digits and is essential for retrieving predefined information about an item, such as its price, order details, or invoice information.

The GTIN is used to identify various types of items, ranging from raw materials to end-user products, including services. It covers a wide range of products and services, all of which have predefined characteristics. This identification number is part of the globally unique EAN.UCC System, which is a key system used for trade items.

One of the key advantages of using GTIN is its ability to provide a unique identification number for each product or service. Unlike a Universal Product Code (UPC) number, which only provides information specific to a group of products, the GTIN gives each item its own specific identifying number. This feature allows for greater tracking accuracy throughout the retail and commercial distribution channels.

The GTIN plays a crucial role in various stages of the supply chain, including sales, delivery, warehousing, and billing. It ensures that each item can be easily identified and tracked as it moves through different stages of the distribution process. This not only helps in maintaining accurate inventory records but also enables efficient management of the supply chain.

In addition to its use in traditional supply chain management, the GTIN is also closely related to the concept of Electronic Product Code (EPC). The EPC is a unique identifier that is encoded in a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag or barcode, allowing for real-time tracking and visibility of products. The GTIN serves as a key component in the EPC system, providing the necessary identification number for each trade item.

In conclusion, the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a unique identification number used to identify products and services in the supply chain. It enables the retrieval of predefined information and ensures accurate tracking throughout the retail and commercial distribution channels. By providing each item with its own specific identifying number, the GTIN enhances tracking accuracy and facilitates efficient supply chain management.

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