فهرس المصطلحات


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Global Trade Item Number: a unique number that comprises up to 14 digits and is used to identify an item (product or service) for which there is a need to retrieve predefined information that may be priced, ordered, or invoiced at any point in the supply chain.

What is GTIN?

GTIN, which stands for Global Trade Item Number, is a unique identification number used in logistics to identify products or services throughout the supply chain. It is a crucial tool that enables the retrieval of predefined information about an item, such as its price, order details, or invoicing information.

A GTIN consists of up to 14 digits and serves as a universal identifier for a specific product or service. This means that no two items should have the same GTIN, ensuring that each item can be easily distinguished and tracked within the supply chain.

The primary purpose of a GTIN is to facilitate efficient and accurate communication between different parties involved in the supply chain, including manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and customers. By using a standardized identification system like GTIN, businesses can streamline their operations and enhance the overall efficiency of the supply chain.

One of the key benefits of GTIN is its ability to enable automated data capture and processing. With the help of barcode or RFID technology, GTINs can be easily scanned or read, allowing for quick and accurate data entry. This automation reduces the likelihood of human errors and speeds up processes such as inventory management, order fulfillment, and invoicing.

Moreover, GTINs play a vital role in e-commerce and online retail. When shopping online, customers often rely on product descriptions, images, and specifications to make informed purchasing decisions. GTINs provide a standardized way to retrieve this information, ensuring that customers can easily find the exact product they are looking for and compare it with alternatives.

In addition to facilitating efficient supply chain management and enhancing the customer experience, GTINs also contribute to improved traceability and product authenticity. By uniquely identifying each item, GTINs enable businesses to track products from their origin to the end consumer. This traceability helps in identifying and addressing any issues related to product recalls, warranty claims, or counterfeit goods.

In conclusion, GTINs are essential tools in logistics and supply chain management. They provide a unique identification number for products or services, enabling the retrieval of predefined information throughout the supply chain. By using GTINs, businesses can streamline their operations, enhance data accuracy, improve customer experiences, and ensure product traceability.

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