فهرس المصطلحات


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An area within a production or assembly facility where manufacturing occurs in a linear fashion, passing products through one level of completion onto the next process.

What is Line?

The concept of a "line" in logistics refers to an area within a production or assembly facility where manufacturing occurs in a linear fashion. It is a systematic approach to manufacturing, where products are passed through different stages of completion, one after another, until they are ready for the next process.

The line is designed to optimize efficiency and productivity by streamlining the manufacturing process. It allows for a smooth flow of materials and products, minimizing the time and effort required for production. Each stage of the line is carefully planned and organized to ensure that the products move seamlessly from one process to the next.

In a typical manufacturing line, there are several workstations or stations, each dedicated to a specific task or process. These stations are strategically arranged to create a logical sequence of operations. For example, in an automobile assembly line, one station may be responsible for installing the engine, while another station may focus on attaching the wheels.

The line operates on the principle of division of labor, where each station specializes in a particular task. This specialization allows workers to become highly skilled and efficient in their respective areas, leading to increased productivity. It also enables the line to handle a higher volume of production, as each station can focus on its specific task without interruptions.

To ensure a smooth flow of materials and products, the line is equipped with conveyors, automated systems, and other logistical tools. These tools help in transporting the products from one station to another, eliminating the need for manual handling and reducing the risk of errors or delays.

The line concept is widely used in various industries, including manufacturing, automotive, electronics, and food processing. It has revolutionized the way products are produced, making the manufacturing process faster, more efficient, and cost-effective.

In conclusion, a line in logistics refers to an area within a production or assembly facility where manufacturing occurs in a linear fashion. It is a systematic approach that optimizes efficiency and productivity by passing products through different stages of completion. The line concept has transformed the manufacturing industry, enabling faster production, higher volumes, and improved quality.

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