فهرس المصطلحات


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The EDIFACT term for a transaction set is a message. A message is the collection of data, organized in segments, exchanged by trading partners engaged in EDI. Typically, a message is an electronic version of a document associated with a common business transaction, such as a purchase order or shipping notice. A message begins with a message header segment, which identifies the start of the message (e.g., the series of characters representing one purchase order). The message header segment also carries the message type code, which identifies the business transaction type. EDIFACT's message header segment is called UNH; in the ANSI X12 protocol, the message header is called ST. A message ends with a message trailer segment, which signals the end of the message (e.g., the end of one purchase order). EDIFACT's message trailer is labeled UNT; the ANSI X12 message trailer is referred to as SE.

What is Message?

The concept of a "message" is fundamental in the field of logistics, particularly in the context of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). In the world of EDI, a message refers to the collection of data that is exchanged between trading partners. It serves as an electronic representation of a document associated with a specific business transaction, such as a purchase order or shipping notice.

A message is structured using segments, which are essentially blocks of data organized in a standardized format. These segments contain relevant information about the transaction and are arranged in a specific order to ensure consistency and compatibility between different systems and trading partners.

To understand the structure of a message, it is important to recognize the presence of a message header segment at the beginning. This segment serves two primary purposes. Firstly, it marks the start of the message and indicates the beginning of a specific set of characters representing a particular transaction, such as a purchase order. Secondly, the message header segment carries a message type code, which identifies the type of business transaction being conducted. In the EDIFACT protocol, this segment is referred to as UNH, while in the ANSI X12 protocol, it is known as ST.

Following the message header segment, the actual content of the message is presented through a series of segments that contain the necessary data for the transaction. These segments are organized in a logical sequence, ensuring that the information is presented in a standardized and easily interpretable manner.

Finally, a message concludes with a message trailer segment. This segment serves as a signal that marks the end of the message, indicating the completion of a specific transaction, such as the end of a purchase order. In the EDIFACT protocol, this segment is labeled UNT, while in the ANSI X12 protocol, it is referred to as SE.

Understanding the concept of a message is crucial for beginners in logistics and EDI. It provides a framework for comprehending how data is structured and exchanged between trading partners. By following the standardized format of messages, businesses can ensure seamless communication and efficient processing of transactions.

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