فهرس المصطلحات

Min – Max System

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A replenishment and inventory management system sets a minimum inventory level, which is used to trigger a reorder when the total of available plus incoming receipts is less than the minimum. The amount of the order is the difference between the calculated inventory (which is less than the minimum) and a predefined maximum. Min-max systems are typically not time-phased.

What is Min – Max System?

A min-max system is a replenishment and inventory management system that helps businesses maintain optimal inventory levels. It involves setting a minimum inventory level, which acts as a trigger for reordering when the total of available inventory plus incoming receipts falls below this minimum threshold. The order quantity is determined by calculating the difference between the current inventory level (which is less than the minimum) and a predefined maximum.

The primary purpose of a min-max system is to ensure that businesses have enough inventory to meet customer demand while avoiding excessive stock levels that tie up capital and increase holding costs. By setting a minimum inventory level, businesses can proactively monitor their inventory and initiate reordering before stockouts occur. This helps prevent disruptions in the supply chain and ensures that customers receive their orders on time.

One key characteristic of a min-max system is that it is not time-phased. Unlike other inventory management systems that consider factors such as lead time and demand forecasts, a min-max system focuses solely on the current inventory level and triggers a reorder when it falls below the minimum threshold. This simplicity makes it a popular choice for businesses with relatively stable demand patterns and shorter lead times.

Implementing a min-max system requires careful consideration of the minimum and maximum inventory levels. The minimum level should be set based on factors such as lead time, demand variability, and desired service levels. It should be high enough to prevent stockouts but not so high that it leads to excessive inventory holding costs. The maximum level, on the other hand, acts as a cap to prevent overordering and excessive stock levels.

To effectively manage a min-max system, businesses need to have accurate and up-to-date inventory data. This can be achieved through the use of inventory management software or systems that track inventory levels in real-time. Regular monitoring and adjustment of the minimum and maximum levels are also essential to ensure that they remain aligned with changing business conditions and customer demand.

In conclusion, a min-max system is a replenishment and inventory management approach that helps businesses maintain optimal inventory levels. By setting a minimum inventory level and triggering reorders when it falls below this threshold, businesses can ensure timely order fulfillment while avoiding excessive stock levels. While not time-phased, a min-max system requires careful consideration of minimum and maximum inventory levels and relies on accurate inventory data for effective implementation.

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