فهرس المصطلحات

Pegged Requirement

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An MRP component demand quantity is linked to demand at a higher level (parent or subassembly).

What is Pegged Requirement?

Pegged Requirement

In the world of logistics and supply chain management, the concept of pegged requirement plays a crucial role in ensuring efficient production and inventory management. To put it simply, a pegged requirement refers to the linkage between the demand quantity of a component in a Material Requirements Planning (MRP) system and the demand at a higher level, which could be a parent or subassembly.

When managing the production of complex products, such as automobiles or electronic devices, it is essential to break down the manufacturing process into smaller components or subassemblies. Each of these components has its own demand and supply requirements. However, these requirements are not isolated but interconnected with the overall demand for the final product.

The pegged requirement concept allows us to trace the demand for a specific component back to its origin, whether it is a higher-level assembly or the final product itself. By establishing this linkage, supply chain managers can effectively plan and coordinate the production and procurement activities.

Let's consider an example to illustrate the significance of pegged requirements. Imagine a company that manufactures smartphones. The smartphone consists of various components, such as a display, battery, camera, and processor. Each of these components has its own demand and supply dynamics.

Now, let's say there is a sudden increase in customer demand for smartphones. This increase in demand will trigger a corresponding increase in the demand for each component. Through the pegged requirement concept, the MRP system will automatically adjust the demand quantity for each component based on the overall demand for smartphones.

This linkage between the demand at different levels ensures that the production of components aligns with the production of the final product. It helps prevent overproduction or underproduction of specific components, which could lead to imbalances in the supply chain.

Furthermore, pegged requirements enable supply chain managers to identify potential bottlenecks or constraints in the production process. If a particular component is experiencing a high demand but faces supply shortages or delays, it can alert the managers to take necessary actions, such as sourcing alternative suppliers or adjusting production schedules.

In conclusion, pegged requirements are a fundamental concept in logistics and supply chain management. They establish the connection between the demand for components and the demand at a higher level, ensuring efficient production planning and inventory management. By understanding and utilizing this concept, supply chain professionals can optimize their operations, meet customer demands, and maintain a well-balanced supply chain ecosystem.

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